Vital Possessions by Marc Nair contemplates how city-dwellers negotiate their uneasy relationship with nature in a world where growth is both man-made and natural. The jungle is always one trim away from over-running us and we are often oblivious to it. The poems question what we hold as vital amid ceaseless consumption and our urban existence.
Marc Nair has been, at various points in his life, a teacher, photographer, scriptwriter, voice-over talent, performance poet and cat slave. When he has time, he writes poetry. When he has even more time he travels. Having been to over 40 countries, he hopes to perform poetry as often as he has a good whiskey in the bars of distant cities. He has worked on collaborative projects with dancers, musicians, visual artists and painters and has released two spoken word albums set to music.
Along the way, Marc published nine collections of poetry and was a recipient of the 2016 Young Artist Award. Among other diverse pursuits, he is also the co-founder and principal photographer of Mackerel, a culture magazine.