“I AM WHO I AM”: The Story of My God《“我是自有永有的”:我的上帝的故事》
- Description
- About the Author
In her fourth and latest book, “I AM WHO I AM”: The Story of My God, Elaine Ng leads readers to discover the seemingly unfathomable yet accessible, loving God, the God who declared “I AM WHO I AM” (Exodus 3:14). She submits that God is not an option, but the foundation of the meaning of truth in life, explicating through accounts with real people and experiences vis-à-vis the immutability of the Scripture; that all things are transient, and God alone is eternal – the Alpha and the Omega; and that God’s will is all encompassing and on which everything depends. She illuminates the fundamental tenets of the Christian faith with her trademark perspicacity, clarity and grace. Quintessentially, she proclaims that Christianity is not a dogma. It is the belief in the sacrifice of the body and blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross and His resurrection to save sinners and reconcile us to God for eternity now and beyond. God had spoken the world into existence through His Word, and by His breath, all creatures – from dust we are and to dust we return while our spirit returns to God. Do you believe this? If you do, you have something beyond the intellect.
在她的第四本也是最新的书,《“我是自有永有的”:我的上帝的故事》中,Elaine Ng带领读者去发现那位看似深不可测却又亲近、慈爱的上帝,上帝在出埃及记3:14中宣告“我是自有永有的”。她认为上帝不是一种选择,而是人生中真理意义的基础,并通过与真实人物和经历的对比来解释圣经的永恒不变性;所有事物都是短暂的,唯有上帝是永恒的——他是阿拉法和俄梅戛;上帝的旨意包罗万象,万事万物都依赖于他。她以自己一贯的敏锐、清晰和优雅,阐明了基督教信仰的基本原则。她明确宣称,基督教不是教条,而是接受和相信耶稣基督在十字架上献出的身体和宝血以及他的复活,以拯救罪人,并让我们与上帝和解,在现在和未来获得永生。上帝通过他的话语创造了世界,并用他的气息创造了所有生物——我们本是尘土,终将归于尘土,而我们的灵将回归于上帝。你相信吗?如果你相信,你将拥有超越智慧的理解。
Elaine Ng owns and runs two management consulting practices in Singapore and Hong Kong. She has authored and published four books, namely, Giving Up Salary (2017), I am Untaught: Teach Me the Word (2022), In the Shadows of Darkness: What Do You Believe? (2023), and “I AM WHO I AM”: The Story of My God (2024). An agnostic-turned apologist, her hunger to understand God grew when she lost her husband, Solomon Chew Kong Hong, on her birthday – September 30, 2021. Elaine acknowledges the presence of God in walking her out of the valley of the shadows of death. She proclaims and prays on God’s promises in the Word of God. She believes that no physical entity can explain its own existence. There must be a self-existent cause of all these physical quantities. If something comes from no cause, it must be as unnatural as the cause that existed itself! To deny the existence of God is to lose the meaning of meaning. A breast cancer survivor, Elaine is a Singapore citizen and Hong Kong Permanent Resident.
黄淑卿 管理咨询公司。她著有并出版了四本书,分别是《放弃工资》(2017年)、《我一无所知:教我神的话语》(2022年)、《阴影笼罩之下:你相信什么?》(2023年)、以及《“我是自有永有的”:我的上帝的故事》(2024年)。作为一名从不可知论者转变为天主教护教者并作家,她对上帝的理解和渴望在2021年9月30日,她生日那天失去她的先生(赵江洪,Solomon Chew Kong Hong)后愈发强烈。Elaine承认上帝的同在,引领她走出与先生共同抗争癌症及心力衰竭的死亡阴影。她宣告并祈祷上帝在圣经中应许的话语。她认为,任何物理实体都无法解释自身的存在,所有这些物理量都必须有一个自身存在的原因。如果某物无因而生,那么它一定和存在的原因本身一样不自然!否认上帝的存在就等于失去了存在的意义。黄淑卿是一名乳腺癌幸存者,同时是新加坡公民和香港永久居民。
Cover Type: Paperback
Page Count: 196
Year Published: 2024
Size: 198mm x 128mm (P)
Language: Chinese, English