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Publisher: Focus Publishing
  • Description
  • About the Author & Translator
  • 《平价的代价》以深挖故事,趣味盎然的叙事方式,讲述了平价如何在50年内,从工会跌跌撞撞经营的职总超市,发展成为每天有超过50万人光顾,年营业额达40亿元的食品企业。书中14个篇章各有一个主题事件,从它打倒通胀怪兽,与赫赫有名的竞争对手激战,到曾一度被华丽的购物中心拒于门外。书中也披露了它如何在海外投资失利,还有不得不腰斩的零售概念,以及是否要上市的辩论等。其中许多鲜为人知的经历,值得细细品味。

    This is the Chinese edition of The Price of Being Fair: The FairPrice Group Story. In commemoration of the FairPrice Group’s 50th anniversary in 2023, the book traces its success from a worker-led experiment to a S$4 billion food enterprise with more than 500,000 customers every day. It offers insights into business, management, politics, and more than a delicious dose of heritage and nostalgia.

  • 本书的主编和作者来自内容营销机构纳高The Nutgraf),七人团队包括谢瑞英、白胜晖、莫素环、高仲贤、黄兹鼎、杜温俐和潘睿娴。他们都曾在媒体工作,是经验丰富的报人。其中白胜晖是2016年新加坡文学奖得主。撰写过的10本著作至今已售出近10万本。本书多名作者也曾参与撰写英文书《最后的愚人李光耀的传奇八仙》。其他作品还包括《口罩背后我们的医疗故事》、《古迹珍宝新加坡的文化符号》等。

    The English edition was written by The Nutgraf team – Sue-Ann Chia, Peh Shing Huei, Samantha Boh, Justin Kor, Derek Wong, Toh Wen Li and Puah Rui Xian. They were veteran journalists. Some of them were co-authors of The Last Fools: The Eight Immortals of Lee Kuan Yew, a No. 1 bestseller in Singapore. Other works include Behind the Mask: Our Healthcare Story and Monumental Treasures: Singapore's Heritage Icons.

    卢丽珊 毕业于台湾辅仁大学历史系和英国约克大学政治系。曾任职《联合早报》执行级记者,撰写人力、文化和华社新闻。之后带着八年的媒体经验,于2007年担任新加坡报业控股全资子公司焦点出版的经理。目前一手从商,一手从事专栏写作、编辑、特约采访和翻译工作。合著作品包括《胡少献的篆刻艺术》2007以及《双岛记从宝岛到狮岛》2023)。 

    Loo Li San is a journalist-turned-entrepreneur, newspaper column writer and freelance translator. She was the co-author of W.S. Hoong’s Art of Seal-Engraving (2007) and The Two Islands: Returning to Singapore from Taiwan (2023).

ISBN: 9789811896521
Cover Type: Paperback
Page Count: 176
Year Published: 2024
Size: 152mm x 227mm
Language: Chinese