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目睹基辅之兵临城下 (Impressions of an Invasion: A Correspondent in Ukraine)

By: Ix Shen
Publisher: Focus Publishing
  • Description
  • About the Author
  • 新加坡前艺人、电影《战狼2》执行导演沈倾掞,和他的妻子以及四只猫,一家六口在乌克兰首都基辅过着小日子,却突然陷入一场世纪大战,在炮火中挣扎求存,一路西逃。他在书中叙述了他日复一日地躲空袭、在路上遭遇炮弹冲击波、驾跑车和炮弹赛跑、惊险断油,以及患上创伤后应激障碍PTSD。惊险三周,除了战情友情甘榜情,还有深刻的反思。

    It should have been a quiet, happy life for former Singaporean actor Ix Shen, his Ukrainian wife and their four cats if bombs had never fallen over the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv. When Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, all he could think about was how to keep his family alive. This autobiography encapsulates the most intense three weeks of his life in Ukraine – from the start of the invasion to his evacuation to Poland.

  • 土生土长的新加坡人,喜欢极限运动。完成国民服役之后加入了当时的新加坡报业控股集团,当一名摄影记者。1995年在才华横溢出新秀比赛胜出后,成了影视艺人。2020年冠病疫情暴发之前一直在中国大陆从事电影幕后工作,包括剧本创作、项目开发和影视拍摄。俄乌战争爆发时,和妻子身在乌克兰,临危受命充当了新加坡的战地记者,为关心俄乌局势的新加坡人现场报道最新战情。

    A Singaporean who enjoys extreme sports, Ix Shen started his career as a photojournalist with Singapore Press Holdings (now SPH Media). He made his acting debut in 1995 and led numerous TV dramas and films. He switched gears to pursue his passion for screenplay writing and filming in China until the Covid-19 pandemic struck. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, he has become a freelance war correspondent, providing a unique Asian perspective on the unfolding of the invasion.

ISBN: 9789811892103
Cover Type: Paperback
Page Count: 232
Year Published: 2024
Size: 150mm x 230mm
Language: Chinese