- Description
- About the Author
Sylvia Toh's bestselling Eh, Goodu! and Lagi Goodu! appeared in 1982 and 1986 and famously crystallised many of the words and phrases which form Singapore's expressive patois, Singlish. This "vernacular" is now a subject of serious study as well as controversy and is often an ever-evolving feature of Singaporean identity. These two publications have now been made available again in this welcome 2010 single-volume reissue.
Sylvia Toh Paik Choo is acknowledged as the Queen of Singlish and the doyenne who inspired generations of humour writers and comedians. An experienced newspaper columnist and humour writer, her work has appeared in most local magazines, tabloids and broadsheets. Today, she still writes and gathering materials for her columns in The New Paper.
Cover Type: Paperback
Year Published: 2010