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Routes: A Singaporean Memoir 1940-75

Publisher: Ethos Books
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  • Routes: A Singaporean Memoir 1940-75 is both a personal and public memoir; it is personal as it records part of Robert Yeo's life for the first thirty-five years, and it is public as it follows his response to some of the tumultuous events of the period at the local, regional and international levels. In revealing skeletons in the cupboard through letters, diaries, extracts from his poems, plays and fiction, Yeo presents an unvarnished account of one person's story of his country’s emergence from third to first world. The inclusion of more than a hundred illustrations enhances the intriguing prose.

ISBN: 9789810875367
Cover Type: Paperback
Page Count: 384
Year Published: 2011
Size: 227mm x 152mm
Language: English