- Description
- Praise
- About the Author
In the terrain of untidy relationships lies an ensemble of individuals coupled or alone, each driven by desire, cravings or folly. How To Hunger is a smorgasbord of short stories about how humans hunger—for love, lust and loyalty—where their voracity for the ordinary and sublime consumes them to the very end.
A Singapore emigrant chews over her sense of belonging. A vegetarian Western tourist finds a meatier version of Asia in a massage parlour. A young couple deepens their romance through home-cooked cuisine. A friendship between a Taiwanese and Singaporean ages over a decade like fine wine. An office worker’s submerged desires bubbles over in a hotpot restaurant. A married woman is tempted by the sweet gifts of a suitor. An undertaker gets a taste of a spicy side of life. And a widower gets triggered by the scent of a curry puff.
“A magnificent collection, ravenous with longing, radiant with life... Chia‘s voice is unforgettable and her sympathies become, in these tales, their own superpower.”
—Junot Diaz, author of Pulitzer Prize winner The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao -
Grace Chia is an author of over ten books of prose and poetry. She has been nominated for the Mslexia Novel Competition and Epigram Books Fiction Prize longlists and shortlisted for the Singapore Literature Prize (Poetry) and Singapore Book Awards, the latter for her Penguin Random House SEA novel, The Arches of Gerrard Street. Her other novels are The Wanderlusters and White Cloud Mountain. Her poetry collections are Mother of All Questions, Cordelia, and Womango, from which her poems have been used in classroom teaching. In her free time, she enjoys baking or watching cat videos.
Cover Type: Paperback
Page Count: 240
Year Published: 2023
Language: English