Diagnostics Of Laboratory And Astrophysical Plasmas Using Spectral Lineshapes Of One-, Two-, And Three-Electron Systems
- Description
Non-Turbulent Plasmas: Electron Density; Temperatures; Magnetic Field; Effective Charge of Ions; Plasmas Containing Oscillatory Electric Fields: Low-frequency Electrostatic Turbulence; Principles of Spectroscopic Diagnostics of Plasmas Containing Quasimonochromatic Electric Fields (QEF); Langmuir Waves; Transverse Microwave-, Laser-, and/or Laser-induced Fields; Appendices: Brief Overview of Stark Broadening Theories; Versions of the Conventional Theory of the Stark Broadening of Hydrogen Lines in Non/Weakly-Magnetized Plasmas; The Generalized Theory of the Stark Broadening of Hydrogen Lines in Non/Weakly-Magnetized Plasmas; The Generalized Theory of the Stark Broadening of Hydrogenlike Lines in Non/Weakly-Magnetized Plasmas; Stark Broadening of Hydrogen Lines under Strong Magnetic Fields in Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas; Stark Broadening by Low-frequency Electrostatic Turbulence; Langmuir-Waves-Caused Dips in Hydrogenic Spectral Lines in Non/Weakly-Magnetized Plasmas; Effects of Langmuir Waves on Hydrogenic Spectral Lines under Strong Magnetic Fields; Stark Broadening of Hydrogen Lines at Super-High Densities: Effects of Plasma Turbulence at the Thermal Level; Satellites of Dipole-Forbidden Spectral Lines of Helium, Lithium and of the Corresponding Ions, Caused by Quasimonochromatic Electric Fields in Plasmas; Floquet–Liouville Formalism; Satellites of Hydrogenic Spectral Lines; Advanced Methods of Using;
Cover Type: Hardcover
Page Count: 364
Year Published: 2017