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In Time, Out of Place

PART OF Cultural Medallion SERIES
By: You Jin
Publisher: Epigram Books
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  • Shortlisted for Singapore Literature Prize 2016 (English Non-Fiction)

    Translated from the Chinese by Shelly Byrant

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    You Jin brings to her travel writing the same wit evident in her fiction. Whether she is trekking through the Amazon rainforest, exploring the caves of Granada with gypsy pickpockets, visiting a farm stay in Tasmania, or negotiating for a horsehair-lacquer cup in Myanmar, she is adept at weaving a whimsical incident into a compelling and amusing narrative. Her trademark spirited humour brings to life the vastness of the globe we inhabit, as well as more intimate encounters with the people she meets along the way.

ISBN: 9789814615044
Cover Type: Paperback
Page Count: 416
Year Published: 2015
Size: 153mm x 225mm