The Syonan Years: Singapore Under Japanese Rule 1942-1945
- Description
- Praise
- About the Author
The Japanese Occupation in Singapore was a part of the theatre of the Asia-Pacific War and the Second World War, which was part of the still larger human drama of the twentieth century—the century of total war. Six decades after the Japanese defeat, there is continuing debate on how the war has been remembered or, in some cases, forgotten. Bringing together a wealth of historical materials concerning the Occupation as well as its beginnings and aftermath, and weaving them into a compelling narrative, this book provides readers a wide perspective on the most traumatic period in Singapore’s history.
“In scope and specificity, (this) is one of the most ambitious releases in the past year or so and should be read by anyone who cares about why Singapore is the way it is today…There is the added fillip of fresh wartime photographs from Japanese magazines, acquired only recently by the National Archives here.”
—The Straits Times -
Lee Geok Boi was Assistant to the Editor of The Straits Times (executive features writer and executive sub-editor) and adjunct lecturer in Temasek Polytechnic/Visual Communications Diploma course. She has been an editorial consultant since 1989. Geok Boi has authored and edited numerous books on social and corporate histories and cookery. These include Singapore: Journey into Nationhood (1998), Ernst & Young: An Account of 120 Years in Singapore (2010), The Singapore Story: Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew (abridging editor, 2000), and Asian One-dish Meals (2012).
Cover Type: Flexibound
Page Count: 352
Year Published: 2005
Size: 215mm x 280mm