The book is a compilation of the most important experimental results achieved during the past 60 years at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research—covering everything from the mid-1950s to the latest discovery of the Higgs particle, the results from the early accelerators at CERN to those most recent at the Large Hadron Collider. This book provides an excellent review of the achievements of this outstanding laboratory, and the impressive scientific progress made during the past six decades, as well as the special way in which successful international collaboration exists at CERN.
Herwig Schopper is a former Director-General of CERN. He was the head of CERN Nuclear Physics Division in the 1970s. He returned to CERN in 1981 after chairing the directorate of the German research center DESY for eight years. During his service as CERN's Director-General, the Large Electron–Positron Collider (LEP) and its four detectors for the LEP experiments were constructed and installed.
Luigi Di Lella is an experimental physicist who has made most of his career at CERN. He has performed experiments at almost all CERN accelerators on a variety of subjects. At the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings he took part in the experiments that demonstrated the point-like structure of the proton in the strong interaction, and later he was one of the leading physicists in the UA2 experiment at the proton-antiproton collider which contributed to the discovery of the W and Z particles. He has been a member of various international scientific committees both in the USA and in Europe. He has retired from CERN in 2002 and is presently associated with the University of Pisa, Italy.