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Geometry In Advanced Pure Mathematics

  • This book leads readers from a basic foundation to an advanced level understanding of geometry in advanced pure mathematics. Chapter by chapter, readers will be led from a foundation level understanding to advanced level understanding. This is the perfect text for graduate or PhD mathematical-science students looking for support in algebraic geometry, geometric group theory, modular group, holomorphic dynamics and hyperbolic geometry, syzygies and minimal resolutions, and minimal surfaces.

    Geometry in Advanced Pure Mathematics is the fourth volume of the LTCC Advanced Mathematics Series. This series is the first to provide advanced introductions to mathematical science topics to advanced students of mathematics. Edited by the three joint heads of the London Taught Course Centre for PhD Students in the Mathematical Sciences (LTCC), each book supports readers in broadening their mathematical knowledge outside of their immediate research disciplines while also covering specialized key areas.

ISBN: 9781786341068
Cover Type: Hardcover
Page Count: 236
Year Published: 2017
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