Turn your small talk into big talk. Have a boss? Then this book is for you!
These superskills will unlock your hidden potential as Employee of the Year.
- Take fewer toilet breaks
- Never complain about anything
- Work more overtime (unpaid)
- Never use annual leave
- Buy your own insurance
- Pay for your own CPF
- Do not fall sick
How to Please Your Boss offers practical tools, unexpected insights and inspiring real life stories so you can build a successful and meaningful relationship with your superior.
- Notebook
- 100 pages of blank, quality paper
- Flexibound and threadsewn
- Size: 130mm x 200mm
- Paperback
"This book changed my life!"
–Samantha from HR, two-time nominee for Employee of the Year (Best Intern)
"I never knew I needed this book–until my boss told me I needed this book"
–Susie, receptionist and League of Legends champion (Yishun division)
"Makes Tony Robbins seem like an expert!"
–The Big Book of Best Boss Book