Winning With Honour: In Relationships, Family, Organisations, Leadership, and Life
- Description
- About the Authors
Following the success of their first book "The Leader, The Teacher, & You", which won the Singapore Literature Book Prize in the Non-Fiction Category in 2014, Siong Guan and Joanne H Lim have collaborated again to produce their new book "Winning with Honour: In Relationships, Family, Organisations, Leadership, and Life". The book draws upon wisdom from history, geography, culture, religion, the wisdom of the ancients, as well as writings and examples from all over the world. The book posits that there is a universality in the message of Honour that can prove valuable to all who would care to reflect on how to sustain success in one's life, family, community, organisation and/or nation.
The purpose of this book is to invite you to think about what winning in life actually means, and seeks to raise consciousness about the virtue of Honour in our lives, particularly in the two dimensions of "Honouring Our Word" and "Honouring Each Other".
Segmented into 10 parts and drawing from a collection of wisdom literature, the book posits that Honour does not just explain Singapore's journey from Third World Economy to First World Economy in a generation, but is an essential virtue that undergirds purposefulness in life, happiness in family, stability in society, advantage in business, success in leadership, and security in the nation. Written in a unique format that is accessible to people from all walks of life, the book seeks to showcase what is possible if imagination and human enterprise are coupled with honour.
Lim Siong Guan was appointed Group President of GIC in September 2007. The GIC manages the financial reserves of the Singapore government.
He was Chairman of the Singapore Economic Development Board from October 2006 to June 2009. The Board is the Singapore government's lead agency for planning and executing strategies to enhance Singapore's position as a global business centre. Much of its work is attracting international corporations to set up manufacturing and services activities in Singapore as critical links in the global supply chain. He has been an Adjunct Professor in the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore since 2005, instructing on leadership and change management, as well as a Senior Fellow of the Civil Service College since 2006.
Joanne H Lim is the Founder and Creative Director of The Right PerspectiveSG, a consultancy specialising in writing, branding, presentations, strategic communications, and collateral design for individuals, businesses, and institutions. The Right PerspectiveSG works closely with its clients to enable their success by creating the right perspective in the minds of their stakeholders through sharp strategy, measured messaging, innovative initiatives, and detailed design.
Following high school, where she authored her school's creed, “Live with Passion, Serve with Compassion,” Joanne was awarded a full scholarship to pursue an undergraduate degree at Princeton University, from which she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from the Woodrow Wilson School of International and Public Policy, and a certificate in East Asian Studies. During her time at Princeton, Joanne was awarded the President's Prize and was elected to the Phi Beta Kappa Society for outstanding academic excellence.
Cover Type: Paperback
Page Count: 472
Year Published: 2016