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Lee Kuan Yew: The Crucial Years

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  • Lee Kuan Yew: The Critical Years (1971-78) is a facsimile edition of Alex Josey's second masterful account of Singapore's formidable prime minister, first published in 1980 and simply titled Lee Kuan Yew Vol 2. In this volume, Josey tells the continuing story of Singapore's remarkable development from the beginning of 1971 to the end of 1978. You can read about Lee's fears, hopes, triumphs and failures, his analytical judgements, his look into the future, his valuations and beliefs, his unswerving faith in the ability of the average Singaporean to understand what his prime minister is talking about, and his supreme confidence that Singapore will survive as an independent, if inter-dependent, sovereign state, and be successful.

ISBN: 9789814398367
Cover Type: Paperback
Page Count: 682
Year Published: 2012