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Can I Hold You A While Longer? Mum and our slow dance with dementia

Publisher: Focus Publishing
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  • When dementia takes hold, is it possible to navigate between forgetting and letting go to find love and reconciliation?

    Through anecdotes, memorable conversations and heartfelt reflections, Samuel Ng (黄明德), a veteran social worker and founder of Montfort Care, shares his experience of caring for his mother with dementia and how the experience brought his family closer together.

    This book encapsulates the many dilemmas he faced and the different stages of his emotional growth, from awareness to forgiveness, appreciation and finally joy. His inspiring stories will provide tender strength to the many other caregivers in navigating their caregiving journey.

    In her foreword, Minister of State for Home Affairs & Social and Family Development, Ms Sun Xueling said: “Samuel’s book on his personal caregiving journey with his mother with dementia lends voice to caregivers, and sheds light on the understated challenges and difficult decisions that confront caregivers through their loved ones’ care pathways.”

    The Chinese edition Lessons My Mother Taught Me (老媽教會我的事) was the second-prize winner in the POPULAR Readers’ Choice Awards 2022.

ISBN: 9789811888304
Cover Type: Paperback
Page Count: 216
Year Published: 2024
Size: 210mm x 150mm
Language: English