When I was a Kid 2: Childhood Stories by Boey
PART OF When I was a Kid SERIES
By: Cheeming Boey
Grey Pigeon
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- Description
- About the Author
When I was a Kid is a collection of shorter than short stories about growing up in Singapore and Malaysia through the eyes of an unlikely hero, Boey. Son of a bird farmer, D grade student, pre-internet survivor.
Boey continues to captivate readers with this second collection of stories about the misadventures of his youth - the misdeeds, the wonders, the mistakes, and the triumphs of a kid growing up between Malaysia and Singapore. -
Cheeming Boey is an artist / author. He resides in Fresno, California. When he isn't writing these things about himself in third person, he writes books. When he isn't doing any writing, he is either Onewheeling, or cleaning up his dog's vomit, because she just loves to eat cat poop. Fun.
Cover Type: Paperback
Page Count: 200
Year Published: 2013
Size: 150mm x 250mm